Monday, April 27, 2009

Sermon Preparation?!

Contrast the following approaches to Sermons Preparation.

Perry Noble, Pastor, NewSpring Church (Seeker Driven Model):

Q: What does sermon prep from week to week look like?
A: Listen to a lot of podcasts, I don’t read as much of other books as I should. A group of guys and girls get
together and brainstorm. After praying over it bringing it back and say what I think we should do. Go 2-3 series
ahead. In creativity meeting, bring all kinds of people in creativity meeting to make it diverse. Although we plan
way ahead, we are always open for the Holy Spirit changing it.

Listen to a lot of podcasts. The Scriptures are not even mentioned. Biblical Exegesis, What's That? Hermenutics, Your hurting my head! Biblical Languages, Now you are just being elitist! "All exegesis does is X out Jesus" "Just help people pray to receive Jesus"

Compare this to how John Macarthur prepares a sermon:

4 days to prepare:
Day 1 (First 8 hours):
* Reads, re-reads, and re-reads the text.* Takes out a legal pad a jots down some notes.* Turns to the Greek text.* Peruses some 20 commentaries on the text.* Goes through cross-references.
Day 2 (2nd 8 hours):
* Mediates on what he learned on Day 1.
Day 3 (3rd 8 hours):
* Puts together his rough draft.* Finds Biblical illustrations.* Writes his introduction and conclusion.
Day 4 (4th 8 Hours):
* Writes his final draft, all of which is hand-written.

Which Pastor is following the admonition to "Preach the Word" (2 Tim. 4:2)

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